Thursday, August 28, 2008

Moving Right Along

I don't think I've mentioned it here yet, but we are moving. Today!

I've composed so many great birthday posts in my head, but just haven't had time to get them into a form others can read. I was anticipating the start of school so I could catch up on posts here...or maybe NAP?!...but my days have been filled with packing, instead. We've got our work cut out for us in the new place, too, but once the deadlines are all removed (and my internet service is reconnected) I know I'll find time to post more regularly.

This move is going to be a really big change for all of us, but particularly so for Max. He's got his routines here at the old house, and all of them are going to be disrupted. In some ways, this is a wonderful thing, though, because we've got the perfect opportunity to break and change those routines that are causing problems here!

I'm trying to really put some thought into how we will physically arrange things at the new place, what "rules" we will set, and how to make the transition as smooth as possible for him. It will be a good home for Max, (and for Max of the future, too); consideration of his needs fueled much of the decision to buy that particular house.

Earlier this week, Max selected a big, black, plastic bin out of the pile of empty boxes on the front porch. He carried it around for the whole evening, so I decided it should be his own personal moving box. We've been putting all his odds & ends and small, beloved objects in it, and it will be the first box to go into his new room. His bed will be all set up by the time he gets home from school today, and as many of his familiar items as possible will be where he can spot them.

We've tried to talk about the move and prepare him as much as possible, but taking this concept from the abstract to reality will be the real test.

As I've said before, this move will not be an easy one, but it is a good one.

Wish us well! I'll be back soon.

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